Pathetic !

Publié le par french puma

Hillary Clinton is campaigning for her former rival intensely these days, from Florida on Monday to Nebraska yesterday. She will be in New Hampshire in a few days.

Her supporters are watching her with sadness, sometimes great disappointment, not to say anger.

How can she behave like this ?

The scene was particularly painful to watch on Monday, when we saw Hillary and Obama together in Florida, behaving like old friends (which confirms that I was right a few days ago to write about "Hillary's new love" :

Hillary Rodham Clinton joins Barack Obama at a rally Monday in Orlando. About 50,000 people attended By Joe Raedle, Getty Images

Both joined forces Monday for the first time in more than three months, urging Floridians to use their swing state clout to put a Democrat back in the White House.

Hillary Clinton said, "Many of you supported me in the primary, and I am very grateful and very appreciative. Now I am asking you to work as hard for Barack as you worked for me, to walk as far for Barack as you walked for me." “Now is the time to close the deal for Barack Obama and close the book on eight years of failed Republican leadership. … America will rise from the ashes of the Bushes.

Obama stood at her side while she was speaking. They looked like old friends, fists pumping and arms clasped around each other’s back as thousands cheered and Mr. Obama vowed to tap Mrs. Clinton’s passion for health-care reform once he’s elected.

In reality, I think Barack Obama must have promised her something about health care : maybe he has told her he will give her an opportunity to lead a "health care task force" as she did in 1993 when her husband became president. And as she failed in 1994 and was traumatized by her failure, she may be thinking that she will have the possibility to redeeem herself, and to be successful this time...

She may have the ambition to manage to create the type of universal coverage she believed in, and to become the woman who has managed to reform the American health care system. A great historical achievement, indeed.

I am sure she has a plan. She could not act like this otherwise, all the more as Obama has not chosen her as his vice-presidential candidate.

Orlando Sentinel reports that at the Orlando rally, Hillary Clinton "launched into a 15-minute stump speech more typical of a vice-presidential candidate than a surrogate."


Yesterday, Hillary appeared on ABC, for an interview with "Nightline" co-anchor Cynthia McFadden.

 She repeated that she was now committed to helping Obama win the White House.

Yes, indeed, now we believe her ! It seems this is what she really wants ! 

"I was running against him," she said. "I mean, it would be like saying to somebody who just lost the playoffs ... to get into the World Series, 'Well, you know, are you going to root for the team from your league?' And, you know, 'Yeah, I'll get around to it.' ... It's a human experience and, obviously, a lot of human emotion."

Hillary said that after the "intense experience" of the primary, she needed to recharge before returning to campaign on behalf of her former opponent. After "getting a little sleep, taking a few long walks, I was back in the fray and very happy to be doing everything I can for him," she added.

 Sen. Hillary Clinton campaigned for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama in Omaha, Neb. Tuesday.

So Hillary says she thought about her whole experience a lot, and decided to support the man who used to be her enemy ?

What a wrong decision !

What a lack of judgement !

How can she associate with such a fraud ?

If he wins, she will be guilty too.

She will be responsible for the disaster.

She thought he was not ready to lead, not ready to be Commander-in-Chief, only a while ago...

How can she have changed her mind ? Why does she think he is ready now ?

To conclude, I think there is only one word which comes to my mind :

Pathetic ! It is simply pathetic !
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